Even though our culture is flooded with sexualized marketing campaigns, expectations, and social pressure, rarely do people learn how to discuss sex in the connection to attachment and intimacy. Not talking about one’s sexual desires, needs, feelings, and problems prevents having intimate, healthy, exciting and fufilling sex lives.

Culture has an unquestionalbe impact on one’s sense of sexual self. It is important that individuals examine the impact of their particular cultural heritage on their sexual identities, attitudes, behaviors, and health.

The relationship between identity and intimacy as well as the individual’s needs for autonomy versus belonging are topics that also require exploration.

Let’s work together and discover a kinder, more authentic approach to sex.

Schedule a free phone consultation


A sexual dysfunction essentially means that some aspect of the sexual experience isn't aligning with what a person desires or believes is possible for their body. This often ties back to perceived norms, which are significantly shaped by our culture.

Everyone has their unique relationship with sexuality, including their wants, needs, and boundaries. If you or your partner suspect you might be facing a sexual dysfunction, consider whether what you're experiencing is affecting your relationship and intimacy. If the answer is yes, you could be encountering sexual dysfunction or desire disorder. Embracing this awareness is the first step toward understanding and improvement! Let's explore this journey together!

Common Intimacy & Sexual Dysfunction Concerns:

·      Difficulty or Inability Reaching Orgasm

·      Low/Mismatched Libido

·      Erectile Dysfunction

·      Early Ejaculation