Engaging in dialogue in a safe environment with a caring neutral psychologist provides opportunity to explore your obstacles. The intent of the dialogue is to explore more satisfying relationships, self-awareness, and diverse experiences in our life journey. This experience can be a catalyst for personal transformation, which occurs when it is inspired by the quest to heal within.

The therapeutic relationship is unique and powerful, capable of changing one’s trust in the world and, most importantly, in oneself. I have felt the heaviness of despair and the immense joy of making connections with my clients for over 15 years. I embrace this responsibility with honor and integrity, continually striving to develop and challenge myself. This allows me to share my knowledge with others, alleviate suffering, and encourage living fully and authentically.

My purpose is to empower individuals in their struggle to free themselves from the constraints of mainstream culture and its inflexible definitions of "normal." By challenging these societal norms, I aim to create a space where authenticity and diversity are celebrated, allowing people to embrace their true selves without fear of judgment. Through education and support, I strive to inspire others to reclaim their narratives and redefine what it means to live freely and authentically in a world that often imposes limiting beliefs.

Schedule a free phone consultation.


individual therapy


Individuals often find themselves reaching out for therapy due to various circumstances. Many have tried to manage their distressing symptoms independently, others are looking for additional support to refocus on what truly matters in their lives.

Individual talk therapy can benefit anyone dealing with life stressors, trauma, sexual issues, substance abuse, or concerns about their relationship with food. It also aids in developing social skills, setting healthy boundaries, enhancing relationships, and addressing self-esteem, depression, anxiety, or any distressing concerns.

Additionally, therapy can support individuals through major life transitions like starting a new job, moving, marriage, divorce, dating, or parenthood.

While starting therapy may seem intimidating, it is an effective way to enhance your life and mental health, and to uncover what may be holding you back from living your best life.